A 2019 Tamagotchi clone using:
- ESP 32 dual-core embedded wifi/bluetooth microcontroller
- 4/8/16MB SPI flash on board
- UT-0206-P05 monochrome oLED display
- ADXL345 Accellerometer
- USB C socket for charging and USB2.0 data
- CP2102N Silicon Labs USB UART for interaction with a PCB (and firmware loading)
- 5 direction joypad Up/Down/Left/Right/Click
- TP4056 1A lithium battery charger for 300mAh-ish li-poly cell
- FS312 Battery over/under discharge protection, battery level monitoring using voltage divider and ESP’s analog input.
Render is of rear of device. Clearance at top of board is for solder-down connector of this oLED LCD, bent over and folded over the PCB:
This project is licensed under the The TAPR Open Hardware License.